R. Ford - 2/5/2023
#GemAd Member
These photos are from Madagascar Import SEAM Inc. at the Madagascar Import SEAM Gem Show located at 1248 N. Main Ave. in Tucson. (Where the Main Ave. Mineral & Fossil Show used to be located) This show is open from 9 am to 6 pm daily from January 26 - February 12, 2023. You can also find Madagascar Import Seam Inc. at the 22nd Street Show, they are set up in several spaces; B59-60, C71, U1/V1.
Madagascar Import Seam has been in the business for 28 years. They started by first exporting ammonites and have grown into the well-established import company that they are today. They work with miners to get high-quality stones to their workshops so their lapidaries can work and shape the final products you see. They offer competitive pricing to both their wholesale and retail customers.
For more information about Madagascar Import SEAM, Inc., visit their profile on our website:
show profile:
Polished Freeforms in tons of Material Types

Septarian Nodule

Green Fluorite in Matrix from Madagascar

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#wholesalefossils #madagascarseamtucsonshow #22ndstshow

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