R. Ford - 4/6/2023
#GemAd Member
The Rock Warehouse, Denver, Colorado
April 5-9, 2023
Daily 9 am -5:30 pm, final day 9 am - 1 pm
Since 1989, these dealers have been dealers in the September Denver Gem & Mineral Show, under their old name Desert Gems. In 2006, The Rock Warehouse moved the show to its own warehouse, where they have a larger inventory and eliminated soaring show fees. J.K. Stone USA & Vicjon Enterprises joined them there for both the Spring and Fall Denver shows. They stock many items you won't often find at the other shows. This show is open to wholesale buyers, you must have your tax id for wholesale purchases.
For more information about the Colorado Independent Warehouse Show - Spring visit their profile on our website;
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Featured Vendor: J.K. Stone USA