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Annual Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show - Dealers, Demonstrators, Kids Activities, Silent Auction, Free Parking, Food Available for Purchase.
This is a great event for the whole family! We offer multiple activities for kids including spin-n-win, fossil dig, egg carton mineral collections, 50 cent minerals, and more. There is a huge silent auction that runs both days and is always loaded with a wide variety of minerals and fossils that you can get for great prices. Over a dozen dealers set up in our spacious building selling jewelry, mineral specimens, fossils, fluorescent material, beads, etc. Multiple demonstrations are also held throughout the weekend featuring wire-wrapping, wire bonsai tree making, lapidary, fused glass, amber identification, paper quilling art on minerals, flint knapping, and pen turning. Beautiful displays are a highlight of the show, some follow our yearly theme and others showcase members collections. Finally, we provide a full concession stand on-site.
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