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PHMS is becoming established as THE Premier Quality Mineral Show North of the Gila River featuring competitive mineral exhibits, museum exhibits, well-known regional and national quality dealers of fine minerals, gemstones and fossils that includes a Saturday night program with bar, dinner, keynote speaker, awards ceremony, and silent/live auctions.
PHMS will highlight four new competitive trophies to engage and encourage high quality exhibits:
- BOB JONES TROPHY for Best Display of Minerals
- DAVID SHANNON TROPHY for Best Display of Field Collected Minerals
- ARTHUR L. FLAGG TROPHY for Highest Scoring Junior Display
- BEST OF THEME TROPHY for Best of Theme Mineral Specimen for two size categories
All trophies with exception of Best of Theme will come with monetary prizes in addition to quality engraved crystal trophies.
MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY OF ARIZONA (MSA) PURPOSE/MISSION: To promote popular interest and education in Earth Science, and related fields (Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology, and Lapidary arts); to foster a fellowship among individuals interested in Earth Science and enable our members to better identify materials we collect, and how to display or further process these materials; to teach all generations about rocks, minerals, fossils, and what can be done with them, and be collaborative in community of groups with similar interests to our Society.
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