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Jewelry Show News and Information
Herkimer Diamonds are beautiful double-terminated quartz crystals found in Herkimer, New York. Incredibly, these phenomenal gemstones are close to five hundred million years old. The crystals are magnificent works of nature, found in the rock, having a diamond-like geometrical shape. Thus, the name recognition of “Herkimer Diamonds”.
Herkimer Quartz Crystals rival true diamonds. A true diamond found in the rough is exactly that, a rough appearing glass-like stone. The true diamond must be painstakingly cut by man to give it smooth faces and a geometrical shape. On a hardness scale, a true diamond scores a ten. Herkimer Diamond Quartz Crystal falls at a 7.5 on the Moh's scale, giving the real diamond a close race. They are naturally faceted, each having eighteen facets and 2 points.
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