Geofossiles LLC

5631 N Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918

Geofossiles LLC Logo

David Guery

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Premium Fossil dinosaur, reptile, starfish, ammonite, pterosaur, fish, Badlands oligocene mammals rare museum class fossils fossil & mineral show mineral and fossil alley days innTucson, AZ, room 105 Dinosaur, oligocene badlands mammal skull and skeleton ammonite, urchin, dinosaur, reptil, oreodont, merycoidodon, Mesohippus, archaeotherium, dinictis, hoplophoneus, saber cat, hyracodon, hyaenodon, subhyracodon, leptictis, leptauchenia, bronthotherium, titanotherium, eporeodon


5631 N Academy blvd

Colorado Springs, CO 80918, usa

+1 720-643-3921

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Ammonite, dinosaur - Fossils - Fluorite madagascar - Dinosaur Fossils - Polished Stone Products - Madagascar Minerals
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