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Jewelry Show News and Information


Colorado Gem & Mineral Shows

There's no place like home, said the Xpo Press publisher ... to no one in particular.
There's no place like home, said the Xpo Press publisher ... to no one in particular.
Amazonite. Synonymous with Colorado.
Amazonite. Synonymous with Colorado.
Brad's dog, Maddie, who, sadly, has never been to a gem show.
Brad's dog, Maddie, who, sadly, has never been to a gem show.
Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. Some great gem and mineral shows near here.
Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. Some great gem and mineral shows near here.
Downtown Denver. Personally, I think this would be a better place to have the Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Showcase. Does that make sense?
Downtown Denver. Personally, I think this would be a better place to have the Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Showcase. Does that make sense?
Rhodochrosite. Sweet Home, Colorado!
Rhodochrosite. Sweet Home, Colorado!
Bet your state doesn't grow these. Aspens are turning gold right about Denver Showcase time in Sept.
Bet your state doesn't grow these. Aspens are turning gold right about Denver Showcase time in Sept.