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Jewelry Show News and Information
Kevin Downey began collecting minerals at age 9, had his first exhibit course at an AFMLS show at age 12, and eventually financed some of his college degree by selling his collection. After studies in Geology, he began a long avocation exploring, mapping, documenting, and helping preserve caves (and cave minerals) worldwide. Professionally, Kevin owns and runs a photographic studio specializing in advertising and commercial projects. Having never lost his love for fine minerals, he began this business by importing selected minerals from China and continues to seek out new mines, discoveries, and unusual materials personally. Well-Arranged Molecules now sells at selected mineral shows, by this website, and by appointment at the “base camp” in the Arts and Industry Building (a former toothbrush factory) in Florence, MA. We actively purchase entire collections and single pieces of quality, please let us know if you are divesting! Our specialties still include Chinese and South Asian minerals with many new South American, Canadian and African sources. Be sure to watch this web site to see the new arrivals as it first is presented. We welcome all sorts of questions, inquiries and comments. We speak English, Spanish, French and Sulfides!
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