Gemstone Material Interiors (GMI)

1202 N. Main Ave., Tucson, AZ 85705

Gemstone Material Interiors (GMI) Logo

Danny & Tina Duke

More About This Company:

We both sell at and operate two annual shows that are part of the world-famous Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Showcase — JG&M Expo on Simpson Street, JG&M Expo on Michigan Street. We also sell at and operate a large show in Denver in September each year, JG&M Expo Denver, and a longstanding annual show in Quartzsite, Arizona, called the Prospectors Panorama, in January and February.


Gemstone Material Interiors is our spectacular showroom. We’re open to everyone as part of the Tucson Showcase in January and February, or year-round by appointment. Come by if you’re looking for something beautiful or unique, or perhaps even specimens so large you can only find them here.

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