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Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Showcase
View the Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Showcase
Shows at this showcase:
1801 Oracle — Mineral Village
1820 Oracle Wholesale Show
African Art Village
AGTA GemFair™ Tucson
American Indian Arts & Collectibles
American Indian Arts Expo
Arizona Independent Warehouse Show
Best Bead Show
Colors of the Stone • To Bead True Blue • Tucson Artisan Workshops
Co-op Mineral & Fossil Galleries, The (Formerly Mineral & Fossil Co-op)
Enter the Earth Wholesale Warehouse Show
Fine Minerals International Show
Fossil & Mineral Alley
G&LW Tucson Gem Show / Gem Mall
G&LW Tucson Gem Show / Holidome
GIGM - Globex/Red Lion Inn Gem & Mineral Show
GIGM - Motel 6 Gem & Mineral Show
GIGM - Quality Inn Gem & Mineral Show
GJX Gem & Jewelry Exchange
Granada Gallery • Granada Mineral Showcase
JG&M Exposition Tucson
JK Stone Tucson Warehouse Show
JOGS Tucson Gem & Jewelry Show
Just Minerals and Crystals Event - Tucson
Kent’s Jewelry, Lapidary, Tool & Supply Show
Kino Gem & Mineral Show
La Fuente de Piedras Show
Madagascar Import SEAM Gem Show
Madagascar Minerals® Gem Show
Mineral & Fossil Marketplace
Mineral City
Mineral Galleries on Lester
Mineral Nexus, The
MineraliA Show
Miners Co-op Rock Show
Pueblo Gem & Mineral Show
Raining Rocks
Rapa River Gem & Mineral Show
RMGM Tucson Mineral & Fossil Show - Oracle Road
Starr Pass Show
The Tucson Gem Show on 22nd Street
Tucson Fine Mineral Gallery, The
Tucson Gem & Mineral Show®
Tucson Showplace
Tucson Whole Bead Show
Denver Gem & Mineral (Fall) Showcase
View the Denver Gem & Mineral (Fall) Showcase
Shows at this showcase:
2025 Colorado Minerals, Fossils & Gems Show
Colorado Independent Warehouse Show
Colorado Mineral & Fossil Fall Show
Denver Expo Gem Show
Denver Fine Minerals Co-op Show, The
Denver Gem & Mineral Show at HardRock Summit
HardRock Summit
InterGem Denver Wholesale Gem & Jewelry Show
JK Stone Denver Warehouse Show
Just Minerals & Crystals Event - Denver
Miners Co-Op Show
The Denver Gem Show at National Western Complex
Quartzsite Gem & Mineral Showcase
View the Quartzsite Gem & Mineral Showcase
Shows at this showcase:
Desert Gardens International Rock, Gem & Mineral Show
Prospectors' Panorama
QIA PowWow Gem & Mineral Show
Quartzsite Gold, Treasure & Craft Show
Quartzsite RV Show
Tyson Wells Arts & Crafts Fair
Tyson Wells Market Centre Swapmeet
Tyson Wells Rock & Gem Show
Tyson Wells Sell-A-Rama
Franklin Gem & Mineral Showcase
View the Franklin Gem & Mineral Showcase
Shows at this showcase:
G&LW Gem Show Franklin - July
G&LW Gem Show Franklin - May
Highlands Road Gem Show - July
Highlands Road Gem Show - May
Macon County Gemboree
Tucson Fall Gem Showcase
View the Tucson Fall Gem Showcase
Shows at this showcase:
Colors of the Stone • To Bead True Blue • Tucson Artisan Workshops
G&LW Tucson Gem Show / Holidome Fall
JOGS Tucson Gem & Jewelry Show - Fall
Las Vegas Jewelry Week Showcase
View the Las Vegas Jewelry Week Showcase
Shows at this showcase:
AGTA GemFair™ Las Vegas
International Watch & Jewelry Guild Show
JCK Las Vegas
JOGS Las Vegas Gem & Jewelry Show
Las Vegas Antique Jewelry & Watch Show
Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Showcase
View the Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Showcase
Shows at this showcase:
1801 Oracle — Mineral Village
1820 Oracle Wholesale Show
African Art Village
AGTA GemFair™ Tucson
American Indian Arts & Collectibles
American Indian Arts Expo
Arizona Independent Warehouse Show
Best Bead Show
Colors of the Stone • To Bead True Blue • Tucson Artisan Workshops
Co-op Mineral & Fossil Galleries, The (Formerly Mineral & Fossil Co-op)
Enter the Earth Wholesale Warehouse Show
Fine Minerals International Show
Fossil & Mineral Alley
G&LW Tucson Gem Show / Gem Mall
G&LW Tucson Gem Show / Holidome
GIGM - Globex/Red Lion Inn Gem & Mineral Show
GIGM - Motel 6 Gem & Mineral Show
GIGM - Quality Inn Gem & Mineral Show
GJX Gem & Jewelry Exchange
Granada Gallery • Granada Mineral Showcase
JG&M Exposition Tucson
JK Stone Tucson Warehouse Show
JOGS Tucson Gem & Jewelry Show
Just Minerals and Crystals Event - Tucson
Kent’s Jewelry, Lapidary, Tool & Supply Show
Kino Gem & Mineral Show
La Fuente de Piedras Show
Madagascar Import SEAM Gem Show
Madagascar Minerals® Gem Show
Mineral & Fossil Marketplace
Mineral City
Mineral Galleries on Lester
Mineral Nexus, The
MineraliA Show
Miners Co-op Rock Show
Pueblo Gem & Mineral Show
Raining Rocks
Rapa River Gem & Mineral Show
RMGM Tucson Mineral & Fossil Show - Oracle Road
Starr Pass Show
The Tucson Gem Show on 22nd Street
Tucson Fine Mineral Gallery, The
Tucson Gem & Mineral Show®
Tucson Showplace
Tucson Whole Bead Show
Shows by Date
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Admission Requirements
Tucson Show Guides (Feb.)
Tucson Show Criteria
Tucson Restaurants & Lodging
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Floor Plans
Tucson Gem & Mineral Show®
2025 Floorplan
EH=Exhibit Hall, BR= Ballroom, GL=Galleria
Vendors and their locations
EH 511-13
EH 511-13
EH 0511-13
EH 0511-0513
49er Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 1521
49er Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 1027-29
49er Minerals, Inc.
EH 1026-1028
49er Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 1027-29
49er Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 1027-29
49er Minerals, Inc.
EH 1026-1028
A Gathering of Spirits Gallery
A Gathering of Spirits Gallery
GRDA 1932-34
A Gathering of Spirits Gallery
GRDA 1932-34
A Gathering of Spirits Gallery
GBGR 11-12
A Gathering of Spirits Gallery
GBGR 11-12
A Gathering of Spirits Gallery
BR 11-12
A Gathering of Spirits Gallery
BR 18
A Gathering of Spirits Gallery
BR 18
ABD Inc.
ABD Inc.
GRDEx 1401-3
ABD Inc.
GRDEx 1401-3
ABD Inc.
GRDEx 1511-13
ABD Inc.
GRDEx 1511-13
Above & Below Minerals
EH 0328
Absolute Jewelry Mfg.
EH 1606-08
Absolute Jewelry Mfg.
BR 41-42
Absolute Jewelry Mfg.
EH 1606-08
Absolute Jewelry Mfg.
GRDEx 1606-08
Absolute Jewelry Mfg.
EH 1606-08
Absolute Jewelry Mfg.
GRDEx 1606-08
Ace Jewelry
EH 1711-1713
Ace Jewelry
EH 1711-1713
Ace Jewelry
EH 1606-1608
Adelaide Mining Co., The
Adelaide Mining Co., The
MRDEx 1423
Adelaide Mining Co., The
MRDEx 1423
Adelaide Mining Co., The
MRDEx 1222
Adelaide Mining Co., The
MRDEx 1222
Adelaide Mining Co., The
EH 1222
Adelaide Mining Co., The
EH 1227-1229
Adelaide Mining Co., The
EH 0627-0629
Adelaide Mining Co., The
EH 0627-0629
African Trading
African Trading
GRDEx 1707-9
African Trading
GRDEx 1707-9
African Trading
GRDEx 1707-9
African Trading
GRDEx 1707-9
African Trading
EH 1707-9
African Trading
EH 1707-9
African Trading
EH 1707-9
African Trading
EH 1701-1711
Agate Gallery, The
GRDA 2125-29
Ajit Roy Designs
Ajit Roy Designs
GRDEx 1204-1206
Ajit Roy Designs
GRDEx 1204-06
Ajit Roy Designs
BR 36-45
Ajit Roy Designs
GBGR 36-45
Ajit Roy Designs
GBGR 36-45
Ajit Roy Designs
BR 36-45
Akala's Jewelry
Akala's Jewelry
GRDA 1935
Akala's Jewelry
GRDA 1935
Akala's Jewelry
GRDEx 200
Akala's Jewelry
GRDEx 200
Akala's Jewelry
EH 200
Akala's Jewelry
EH 200
Alain Martaud Minerals
Alain Martaud Minerals
MRDEx 926-1029
Alain Martaud Minerals
MRDEx 926-28
Alain Martaud Minerals
MRDEx 926-28
Alain Martaud Minerals
MRDEx 926-28
Alain Martaud Minerals
EH 626-729
Alain Martaud Minerals
EH 626-729
Alan's Quality Minerals, LLC
MRDEx 1626
Alan's Quality Minerals, LLC
MRDEx 1617-19
Alan's Quality Minerals, LLC
MRDEx 1617-19
Alan's Quality Minerals, LLC
MRDEx 1617-19
Alan's Quality Minerals, LLC
EH 1620-1622
Alan's Quality Minerals, LLC
EH 827-829
Alan's Quality Minerals, LLC
EH 0827-829
Alan's Quality Minerals, LLC
EH 0827-0829
Alaska Gold & Gem
GRDEx 1710
Alaska Gold & Gem
GRDEx 1710
Alaska Gold & Gem
EH 1503
Alaska Gold & Gem
EH 1503
Alaska Gold & Gem
EH 1503
Alaska Gold & Gem
EH 1503
Alea Mari & Co.
EH 1620
AM Import
AM Import
GRDEx 1307-9
AM Import
GRDEx 1307-9
AM Import
GRDEx 1307-9
AM Import
GRDEx 1307-9
Amber #1 / Beata Collections
GRDA 1835
Amber Elegance
GRDEx 1500
Amber Elegance
GRDEx 1500
Amber Elegance
GRDEx 1500
Amber Elegance
GRDEx 1500
Amber Elegance
EH 1305
Amber Elegance
EH 1305
Amber Gems Company
Amber Gems Company
GRDA 2105
Amber Gems Company
BR 17
Amber Gems Company
EH 1311
Amber Gems Company
BR 34, EH 1311
Amber Gems Company
EH 1311, BR 34
Amber Gems Company
GRDA 2107
Amber Gems Company
Amber Gems Company
BR 9-10
BR 21-22
BR 21-22
Amerind Museum
GL 0128G
Amerind Museum
G 0129G
Amerind Museum
GL 129G
Amerind Museum
GL 128G
Amerind Museum
Amerind Museum
Amerind Museum
Ameritool, Inc.
Ancient Gold Jewelers
Ancient Gold Jewelers
GRDEx 1205
Ancient Gold Jewelers
GRDEx 1305
Ancient Gold Jewelers
GRDEx 1305
Ancient Gold Jewelers
GRDEx 1305
Anton Watzl Minerals
EH 1227-1229
Anton Watzl Minerals
EH 0627-629
Anton Watzl Minerals
EH 0627-0629
Arat Jewelry
Arat Jewelry
GRDA North 100-101
Arat Jewelry
GRDA 2012-14
Arat Jewelry
GRDEx 607-09
Arat Jewelry
GRDEx 607-09
Arat Jewelry
EH 607-09
Arat Jewelry
EH 611-613
Arat Jewelry
EH 0611-613
Arat Jewelry
EH 0611-0613
Arizona Color Stones & Minerals
EH 1210
Arizona Color Stones & Minerals
EH 1210
Arizona Gemological Laboratory
GRDA 1823
Arizona Gemological Laboratory
GRDEx 1706
Arizona Gemological Laboratory
GRDEx 1706
Arizona Gemological Laboratory
Arizona Gemological Laboratory
EH 1502
Arizona Gemological Laboratory
EH 1502
Arizona State Parkes & Trails
G 0134G
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
GL 118G
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
GL 118G
Arkenstone, The
Arkenstone, The
MRDEx 814-923
Arkenstone, The
MRDEx 814-923
Arkenstone, The
MRDEx 814-923
Arkenstone, The
MRDEx 814-923
Art Rocks Studio
Art Rocks Studio
GRDA North 109
Art Rocks Studio
GRDA North 109
Art Rocks Studio
Art Rocks Studio
Art Rocks Studio
BR 75
Art Rocks Studio
BR 75
EH 0326
EH 0326
Artinian Gems
Artisan Jade
Artisan Jade
GRDEx 406
Artisan Jade
GRDEx 406
Artisan Jade
EH 1305
Artisan Jade
EH 1305
Artisan Jade
EH 1305
Artisan Jade
GRDEx 400
Artisan Jade
GRDEx 400
Artisan Jade
EH 400
Artisan Made Gemstones
GRDEx 115
Artisan Made Gemstones
GRDEx 119
Artisan Made Gemstones
GRDEx 119
Artistry in Precious Metals
Arzawa Mineralogical Inc.
Arzawa Mineralogical Inc.
MRDEx 419
Arzawa Mineralogical Inc.
MRDEx 1326
Arzawa Mineralogical Inc.
MRDEx 418
Arzawa Mineralogical Inc.
MRDEx 1326
ASE Minerals, LLC
EH 529
ASE Minerals, LLC
EH 0226
ASE Minerals, LLC
EH 0226-0228
Atmosphere Minerals
EH 1527
Atomic Perfection
Attard's Minerals/Attard & Petrov
Ausrox / Crystal Universe
Authentic African Arts, Congo
Avani Gem
BR 50
Avanti by Avanti, LLC
BR 23-24
Axinite LLC
A-Z Jewelry Supply
A-Z Jewelry Supply
GRDA 2022-24
A-Z Jewelry Supply
GRDA 2022-24
A-Z Jewelry Supply
GRDEx 1507-09
A-Z Jewelry Supply
GRDEx 1507-09
B. Tiff New York
BR 23-24
B. Tiff New York
EH 0106-0110
Badlands Scientific Expeditions, LLC
MRDEx 1521
Bakari Design
EH 0406-0408
Balaam Design LLC.
GRDEx 0508
Balaam Design LLC.
GRDEx 0508
Balaam Design LLC.
Balaam Design LLC.
Balaam Design LLC.
BR 1
Balaam Design LLC.
EH 1403
Balaam Design LLC.
EH 1210
Balaam Design LLC.
EH 1210
Baltic Amber Co.
Baraka Mining & Minerals, Ltd
EH 0203
Bary Gems Inc.
EH 0410-0412
Beauty in the Eye Fine Minerals
EH 1621-1623
Bergmann Minerals, Inc.
Bergmann Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 416-18
Bergmann Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 417-19
Bergmann Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 421
Bergmann Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 421
Bergmann Minerals, Inc.
EH 417-421
Bergmann Minerals, Inc.
EH 517-521
Bergmann Minerals, Inc.
EH 517-519
Bergmann Minerals, Inc.
EH 0517-0519
Best of the West Rock & Gem
EH 0300
Beulah Bizuteria
BR 33
Big Blue Treasures
Big Blue Treasures
GRDEx 1610-12
Big Blue Treasures
GRDEx 1610-12
Big Blue Treasures
GRDEx 1610-12
Big Blue Treasures
GRDEx 1610-12
Big Blue Treasures
EH 1610-12
Big Blue Treasures
EH 1610-12
Big Blue Treasures
EH 1610-12
Big Blue Treasures
EH 1610-1612
Big Rock Minerals
MRDEx 421
Big Rock Minerals
MRDEx 417-19
Big Rock Minerals
MRDEx 417-19
Big Rock Minerals
EH 417-21
Big Rock Minerals
EH 517-21
Bill Gangi Mulitsensory Arts
Birdseye Woodworking
Birdseye Woodworking
GRDA 1923-25
Birdseye Woodworking
GRDA 1923-25
Birdseye Woodworking
BR 5-6
Birdseye Woodworking
BR 5-6
Birdseye Woodworking
BR 05-06
Birdseye Woodworking
GBGR 5-6
Birdseye Woodworking
GBGR 5-6
Birdseye Woodworking
BR 5-6
Bisbeeborn Minerals
Bisbeeborn Minerals
MRDEx 1426-28
Bisbeeborn Minerals
MRDEx 1426-28
Bisbeeborn Minerals
MRDEx 1426-28
Bisbeeborn Minerals
MRDEx 1426-28
Bisbeeborn Minerals
EH 705-707
Bisbeeborn Minerals
EH 705-707
Black Opal Direct
BR 23-24
Blanc De Noir & Co.
EH 1602
Blanc De Noir & Co.
EH 1507
Blanc De Noir & Co.
EH 0210-0212
Blanc De Noir & Co.
EH 0210-0212
Blazer's Minerals
Blue Elk Designs / Pedro Jimenez III
Blue Elk Designs / Pedro Jimenez III
GRDEx 401-3
Blue Elk Designs / Pedro Jimenez III
GRDEx 401-3
Blue Elk Designs / Pedro Jimenez III
GRDEx 310-12
Blue Elk Designs / Pedro Jimenez III
GRDEx 310-12
Blue Elk Designs / Pedro Jimenez III
EH 608-610
Blue Elk Designs / Pedro Jimenez III
EH 410-412
Blue Elk Designs / Pedro Jimenez III
EH 0506-0508
Blue Elk Designs / Pedro Jimenez III
EH 0506-0508
Blue Gems & Beads, Inc.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate
GRDA 2135
Blue Lace Agate
GRDA 2133
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Owl Minerals
EH 1623
BMG Gems & Jewelry LLC
BR 63
BMG Gems & Jewelry LLC
BR 9-10
BMG Gems & Jewelry LLC
EH 1411-1413
Bonita Pearl Inc.
Bonita Pearl Inc.
GRDEx 507-9
Bonita Pearl Inc.
GRDEx 507-9
Bonita Pearl Inc.
GBGR 21-22
Bonita Pearl Inc.
GBGR 21-22
Bonita Pearl Inc.
BR 21-22
Bonita Pearl Inc.
EH 310-312
EH 1209-13
EH 1209-13
EH 1209-13
EH 1209-1213
Boys Silver, The
Boys Silver, The
GRDEx 206-8
Boys Silver, The
GRDEx 206-8
Boys Silver, The
GRDEx 206-8
Boys Silver, The
GRDEx 206-8
Bridges Tsavorite
Bridges Tsavorite
MRDEx 216-18
Bridges Tsavorite
MRDEx 216-18
Bridges Tsavorite
MRDEx 216-18
Bridges Tsavorite
MRDEx 216-18
Bridges Tsavorite
EH 216-18
Bridges Tsavorite
EH 216-18
Bright Star Gemstones
EH 0201
Bright Star Gemstones
EH 0203
Brilliant Design
GRDA 2026-28
Brilliant Design
GRDA 2026-28
Broken River Mining Pty. Ltd.
GRDA 1827
Broken River Mining Pty. Ltd.
GRDA 1827
Broken River Mining Pty. Ltd.
EH 0310-0312
Broken River Mining Pty. Ltd.
EH 303
Broken River Mining Pty. Ltd.
EH 0310-0312
Broken River Mining Pty. Ltd.
GRDEx 303
Broken River Mining Pty. Ltd.
GRDEx 303
Broken River Mining Pty. Ltd.
EH 303
Bruce Wood Minerals
Bruce Wood Minerals
MRDEx 220-22
Bruce Wood Minerals
MRDEx 220-22
Bruce Wood Minerals
MRDEx 220-22
Bruce Wood Minerals
MRDEx 220-22
Bruce Wood Minerals
EH 220-22
Bruce Wood Minerals
EH 220-22
Buckskin Booksellers
Buckskin Booksellers
PEx 1721-23
Buckskin Booksellers
PEx 1721-23
Buckskin Booksellers
PEx 1721-23
Buckskin Booksellers
PEx 1721-23
Bud Ehrle
Bulgarian Minerals & Gems Co.
By Nature Gallery
Cactus Valley Ranch
Capetown Matrix Crystals
EH 1521-1523
Capetown Matrix Crystals
EH 1527
Capetown Matrix Crystals
EH 1322
Capital Dazzle
Caracol Gems Trading Limited
Caracol Gems Trading Limited
MRDEx 227-29
Caracol Gems Trading Limited
MRDEx 227-29
Caracol Gems Trading Limited
MRDEx 227-29
Caracol Gems Trading Limited
MRDEx 227-29
Cardinal Minerals
Carol K
Carol K
GRDA 1902-4
Carol K
EH 1411-1413
Carol K
EH 0200
Carol K
EH 310-12
Carol K
BR 52-61
Carter County Museum
Carved Opal & Obsidian
Carved Opal & Obsidian
GRDEx 111-15
Carved Opal & Obsidian
GRDEx 111-115
Carved Opal & Obsidian
GRDEx 111-115
Carved Opal & Obsidian
EH 119-123
Carved Opal & Obsidian
EH 119-123
Casa de Lumbre
Casa de Lumbre
GRDEx 1711-13
Casa de Lumbre
GRDEx 1711-13
Casa de Lumbre
GRDEx 1711-13
Casa de Lumbre
GRDEx 1711-13
Casa de Lumbre
EH 1711-13
Casa de Lumbre
EH 1711-13
Cecil, Charles, Collection, The
Chanmel Gems (Ceylon) PVT LTD
Chanmel Gems (Ceylon) PVT LTD
Chanmel Gems (Ceylon) PVT LTD
BR 48
Chanmel Gems (Ceylon) PVT LTD
BR 31
EH 1204
EH 1204
EH 1204
Clive Queit Minerals
Clocktower Gemstone Ltd.
EH 1517-1519
Collector's Edge Minerals, Inc.
Collector's Edge Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 904-1011
Collector's Edge Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 904-1011
Collector's Edge Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 904-1011
Collector's Edge Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 904-1011
Collector's Stope, The
Collector's Stope, The
MRDEx 327-29
Collector's Stope, The
MRDEx 327-29
Collector's Stope, The
MRDEx 327-29
Collector's Stope, The
MRDEx 327-29
Collector's Stope, The
EH 327-29
Collector's Stope, The
EH 327-29
Condor Agate Mines
EH 0216-0218
Condor Agate Mines
EH 0216-0218
Constantine Creations
Constantine Creations
Constantine Creations
BR 33
Constantine Creations
BR 33
Corazon Sterling Silver From Taxco
Corazon Sterling Silver From Taxco
GRDA 2023-25
Corazon Sterling Silver From Taxco
GRDA 1803-05
Corazon Sterling Silver From Taxco
GRDEx 1306-08
Corazon Sterling Silver From Taxco
GRDEx 1306-08
Corazon Sterling Silver From Taxco
EH 1306-08
Corazon Sterling Silver From Taxco
EH 1306-08
Corazon Sterling Silver From Taxco
EH 1306-08
Corazon Sterling Silver From Taxco
EH 1306-1308
Cornerstone Minerals
Cornerstone Minerals
MRDEx 1526-28
Cornerstone Minerals
MRDEx 1526-1629
Cornerstone Minerals
MRDEx 1526-1629
Cornerstone Minerals
MRDEx 1526-1629
Cornerstone Minerals
EH 0721-0723
Cornerstone Minerals
EH 1526-1629
Cornerstone Minerals
EH 1326-1429
Cornerstone Minerals
EH 1326-1328
Coronado National Forest - USDA Forest Service
NPGAG 111G-115G
Coronado National Forest - USDA Forest Service
NPGAG 111G-115G
Coronado National Forest - USDA Forest Service
GL 111G-115G
Coronado National Forest - USDA Forest Service
GL 111G-115G
Coronado National Forest - USDA Forest Service
GL 111G-115G
Coronado National Forest - USDA Forest Service
GL 0111G-0115G
Crater of Diamonds State Park
G 0110G
GRDA 1804-6
GRDA 1810-12
GBGR 25-26
GBGR 25-26
BR 27-28
EH 311-313
EH 0311-313
EH 0311-0313
CRM Architecture, Inc.
Crystal Allies Inc
EH 1526-1528
Crystal Circle, LLC, The
Crystal Circle, LLC, The
MRDEx 1417-21
Crystal Circle, LLC, The
EH 1417-1421
Crystal Circle, LLC, The
EH 1417-1421
Crystal Circle, LLC, The
EH 1417-21
Crystal Circle, LLC, The
EH 619-623
Crystal Circle, LLC, The
MRDEx 1417-21
Crystal Circle, LLC, The
MRDEx 1417-21
Crystal Circle, LLC, The
MRDEx 1417-21
Crystal Classics Fine Minerals
Crystal Classics Fine Minerals
MRDEx 914-1023
Crystal Classics Fine Minerals
MRDEx 914-1023
Crystal Classics Fine Minerals
MRDEx 914-1023
Crystal Classics Fine Minerals
MRDEx 914-1023
Crystal Classics Fine Minerals
EH 826-1029
Crystal Classics Fine Minerals
EH 826-1029
Crystal Classics Fine Minerals
EH 0726-0728
Crystal Classics Fine Minerals
EH 0726-0728
Crystal Creations
Crystal Creations
GRDEx 1603
Crystal Creations
GRDEx 1603
Crystal Creations
GRDEx 1603
Crystal Creations
GRDEx 1603
Crystal Creations
EH 1603
Crystal Creations
EH 1603
Crystal Creations
EH 1300
Crystal Creations
EH 1300
Crystal Mag
EH 1529
Crystals Unlimited
Crystals Unlimited
GRDEx 1600-2
Crystals Unlimited
GRDEx 1600-2
Crystals Unlimited
GRDEx 1607-09
Crystals Unlimited
GRDEx 1607-09
Crystals Unlimited
EH 1600
Crystals Unlimited
EH 1600
Crystals Unlimited
EH 0126-0128
CW Sellors Fine Jewellery
CW Sellors Fine Jewellery
GRDA 1927-29
CW Sellors Fine Jewellery
GRDA 1927-29
CW Sellors Fine Jewellery
GBGR 51-62
CW Sellors Fine Jewellery
GBGR 51-62
CW Sellors Fine Jewellery
BR 51-62
CW Sellors Fine Jewellery
BR 51-62
Cynthia Scott Jewelry
BR 40
D & M Minerals & Jewelry
D & M Rock & Gem
D & M Rock & Gem
MRDEx 1317-21
D & M Rock & Gem
MRDEx 1317-21
D & M Rock & Gem
MRDEx 1216-20
D & M Rock & Gem
MRDEx 1216-20
D & M Rock & Gem
EH 1216-20
D & M Rock & Gem
EH 1216-20
D & M Rock & Gem
EH 1216-20
D & M Rock & Gem
EH 1216-1220
D. Law Jewelry Design
D'Amati, LLC
D'Amati, LLC
GRDEx 1611-13
Dan Trebesch & Company
Dan Trebesch & Company
GRDEx 705-7
Dan Trebesch & Company
GRDEx 607-09
Dan Trebesch & Company
BR 49
Dana Slaughter Minerals
EH 1316-1318
Dana Slaughter Minerals
EH 04122-0423
DanZ RockShop
EH 0827-0829
Dave Bunk Minerals
Dave Bunk Minerals
MRDEx 1226-29
Dave Bunk Minerals
MRDEx 1126-1329
Dave Bunk Minerals
MRDEx 1127-1329
Dave Bunk Minerals
MRDEx 1127-1329
Dave Bunk Minerals
EH 1227-1329
Dave Bunk Minerals
EH 1227-1329
David Freeland Jr. Designs
EH 0409-0413
David Meelheim Designs
David Meelheim Designs
GRDEx 501-3
David Meelheim Designs
GRDEx 501-3
David R Freeland Jr Designs
David R Freeland Jr Designs
GRDEx 409-13
David R Freeland Jr Designs
GRDEx 409-13
David R Freeland Jr Designs
GRDEx 409-13
David R Freeland Jr Designs
GRDEx 409-13
David R Freeland Jr Designs
EH 409-13
David R Freeland Jr Designs
EH 409-13
David R. Freeland Jr. Designs
EH 0409-0413
Davidson Design USA
Davidson Design USA
GRDEx 1503
Davidson Design USA
GRDEx 1503
Davidson Design USA
GRDEx 1503
Davidson Design USA
GRDEx 1503
Davidson Design USA
EH 1506
Davidson Design USA
EH 1506
Davidson Design USA
EH 1506
Davidson Design USA
EH 1506
Davir Gems
Davir Gems
GRDA 1926
Davir Gems
BR 18
Davir Gems
EH 1210
Davir Gems
GRDA 1920
Davir Gems
Davir Gems
DAW Trading Co. Inc./Jems and Jewelry
Dawn Stewart Contemporary Jewelers & Fine Art
DB Opals
De Natura
De Natura
MRDEx 616-22
De Natura
MRDEx 616-22
De Natura
MRDEx 616-22
De Natura
MRDEx 616-22
De Natura
EH 709-713
De Natura
EH 618-622
De Natura
EH 0616-0620
De Natura
EH 0616-0618
Del Sur Agates
Del Sur Agates
MRDEx 1416-18
Del Sur Agates
MRDEx 1416-18
Del Sur Agates
MRDEx 1416-18
Del Sur Agates
MRDEx 1416-18
Department of Geosciences U of A
G 0112G
Designer Cabs By Ron / Angela Fowler's Wire Art Jewelry
Designs By Alex Simkin
Designs By Alex Simkin
GRDA 1914
Designs By Alex Simkin
GRDA 1914
Designs By Alex Simkin
Designs By Alex Simkin
Designs By Alex Simkin
BR 34
Designs By Alex Simkin
BR 34
Designs By Alex Simkin
BR 0303
Designs By Alex Simkin
EH 0303
Diamond Cutters of NY
Diamond Dan Publications
EH 1217-1219
Diamond Store
BR 09-11
Diaz gold & Silver Jewelry
Diwolf Fine Stone Emporium
GRDEx 1501
Diwolf Fine Stone Emporium
GRDEx 1501
Diwolf Fine Stone Emporium
GRDEx 1501
Diwolf Fine Stone Emporium
GRDEx 1501
Diwolf Fine Stone Emporium
EH 1501
Diwolf Fine Stone Emporium
EH 1501
Diwolf Fine Stone Emporium
EH 1501
Diwolf Fine Stone Emporium
EH 1501
Dixie Euhedrals
Doolittle, Mark, Sculptural Wood
Doost Gems, Inc.
Doost Gems, Inc.
GRDA 2003-5
Doost Gems, Inc.
GRDA 2003-5
Doost Gems, Inc.
GBGR 19-30
Doost Gems, Inc.
GBGR 19-30
Doost Gems, Inc.
BR 19-30
Doost Gems, Inc.
BR 19-30
Doost Gems, Inc.
BR 19-30
Doost Gems, Inc.
BR 19-30
Double-K Enterprises
Down to Earth Opals
Down to Earth Opals
Down to Earth Rock Shop
Dr. Stefan Bayer
Dr. Stefan Bayer
Dr. Stefan Bayer
BR 9-10
Dr. Stefan Bayer
BR 21-22
Dr. Stefan Bayer
BR 21-22
Dr. Stefan Bayer
BR 18
DS Designs / D.S. Designs
Earth Terra Erde Inc.
Earth Terra Erde Inc.
GRDA 1916
Earth Terra Erde Inc.
EH 612
Earth Terra Erde Inc.
EH 707
Earth Terra Erde Inc.
EH 0707
Earth Terra Erde Inc.
EH 0402
Earth Terra Erde Inc.
GRDA 303
Earth Terra Erde Inc.
GRDEx 608
Earth Terra Erde Inc.
GRDEx 608
Earthly Endeavors
Earthly Endeavors
Ebu Jewelry
EH 401
E-Bu Jewelry
E-Bu Jewelry
GRDA 1809
E-Bu Jewelry
GRDA 1809
E-Bu Jewelry
GRDEx 201
E-Bu Jewelry
GRDEx 201
E-Bu Jewelry
EH 201
E-Bu Jewelry
EH 201
Eddy Wraps Gems
EH 0220-222
Edwards Minerals, LLC
Efim Gilin Vintage Jewelry
Ejaz Enterprises
MRDEx 1126-28
Ejaz Enterprises
MRDEx 1126-28
Ejaz Enterprises
EH 1126
Ejaz Enterprises
EH 1126
Ejaz Enterprises
EH 0826-0929
El Dorado Jewelry, Inc.
GRDEx 408
El Dorado Jewelry, Inc.
GRDEx 511-13
El Dorado Jewelry, Inc.
GRDEx 511-13
El Dorado Jewelry, Inc.
EH 1407-09
El Dorado Jewelry, Inc.
EH 1407-09
El Dorado Jewelry, Inc.
EH 1407-09
El Dorado Jewelry, Inc.
EH 1407-1409
Elite Design Jewelry
Elite Design Jewelry
GRDA 2127-31
Elite Design Jewelry
GRDA 2126-28
Elite Design Jewelry
GRDEx 311-13
Elite Design Jewelry
GRDEx 311-13
Elle of California
GRDEx 1611
Elle of California
GRDEx 203
Elle of California
GRDEx 203
Elle of California
EH 203
Elle of California
EH 203
Ellie Gem Arts
EH 1500
Ellie Gem Arts
EH 1500
Ellie Gem Arts
EH 1500
Elwis Co.
BR 16
Emergreen Exports / Indra Collection
Emergreen Exports / Indra Collection
GRDEx 306
Emergreen Exports / Indra Collection
GRDEx 306
Emergreen Exports / Indra Collection
GRDEx 300
Emergreen Exports / Indra Collection
GRDEx 300
Emergreen Exports / Indra Collection
EH 300
Emergreen Exports / Indra Collection
EH 400
Emergreen Exports / Indra Collection
EH 0400
Emergreen Exports / Indra Collection
EH 0400
Enchanted Minerals
MRDEx 221
Enchanted Minerals
MRDEx 221
Enchanted Minerals
MRDEx 221
Enchanted Minerals
MRDEx 221
Enchanting Emeralds
EH 0620-0622
Enrico Rinaldi Minerals
MRDEx 126-128
Enrico Rinaldi Minerals
MRDEx 126-128
Enrico Rinaldi Minerals
EH 126-229
Enrico Rinaldi Minerals
EH 726-728
EPIC AZ Minerals
EH 428
Erik Stewart Jewelry
Erik Stewart Jewelry
GRDA 1920
Erik Stewart Jewelry
GRDEx 1613
Erik Stewart Jewelry
GRDEx 1506
Erik Stewart Jewelry
GRDEx 1506
Erik Stewart Jewelry
EH 503
Erik Stewart Jewelry
EH 503
Erik Stewart Jewelry
EH 0503
Erik Stewart Jewelry
EH 0503
Erwin Hess Corp.
EH 1126-1128
eShop Minerals
Ethiopian Opal
BR 32
Ethiopian Opal
BR 31
Ethiopian Opal
BR 31
Excel Gems & Minerals
MRDEx 121-123
Excel Gems & Minerals
MRDEx 1328
Excel Gems & Minerals
MRDEx 1328
Excel Gems & Minerals
EH 1426-28
Excel Gems & Minerals
EH 417-421
Excel Gems & Minerals
EH 0521-523
Excel Gems & Minerals
EH 1316-1320
Expression Fine Jewelry
BR 37-39
Expression Fine Jewelry
BR 11-12
Expression Fine Jewelry
EH 0707-0709
ExTerra Mineral Gallery
EH 0516-0518
F. Lietard
Fabre Minerals
Fall Creek Enterprises, LLC
Fall Creek Enterprises, LLC
MRDEx 321-23
Fall Creek Enterprises, LLC
MRDEx 321-23
Fall Creek Enterprises, LLC
MRDEx 321-23
Fall Creek Enterprises, LLC
MRDEx 321-23
Fall Creek Enterprises, LLC
EH 321-23
Fall Creek Enterprises, LLC
EH 321-23
Fall Creek Enterprises, LLC
EH 0321-23
Fall Creek Enterprises, LLC
EH 0321-0323
Fantastic Stones & Accessories
Fantastic Stones & Accessories
GRDEx 209-13
Fantastic Stones & Accessories
GRDEx 209-13
Fantastic Stones & Accessories
GRDEx 209-13
Fantastic Stones & Accessories
GRDEx 209-13
Fantastic Stones & Accessories
EH 209-13
Fantastic Stones & Accessories
EH 209-13
Fine Art Minerals
Fine Art Minerals
EH 0717-0723
Fine Art Minerals
EH 0926-1029
Fine Art Minerals Tralee, Co.
MRDEx 1222-1323
Fine Art Minerals Tralee, Co.
MRDEx 1222-1323
Fine Art Minerals Tralee, Co.
MRDEx 1221-1223
Fine Art Minerals Tralee, Co.
MRDEx 1221-1223
Fine Art Minerals Tralee, Co.
EH 1221-1223
Fine Art Minerals Tralee, Co.
EH 1108-1112
Fine Minerals International
Fine Minerals International
MRDEx 826-929
Fine Minerals International
MRDEx 826-929
Fine Minerals International
EH 827-829
Fine Minerals International
MRDEx 826-929
Fine Minerals International
MRDEx 826-929
Fine Minerals International
EH 827-829
Finest Minerals, The
EH 1323
Five Lions Gems
Five Lions Gems
EH 1516-518
Five Lions Gems
EH 1516-518
Flagstaff Traders
Flandrau Science Center
Freeland's Jewelry
Freeland's Jewelry
GRDEx 1406-8
Freeland's Jewelry
GRDEx 1406-8
Freeland's Jewelry
GRDEx 1411-13
Freeland's Jewelry
GRDEx 1411-13
Freeland's Jewelry
EH 1410-12
Freeland's Jewelry
EH 1408-12
Friends Of Mineralogy
Friends Of Mineralogy
Friends Of Mineralogy
Galarneau's Gems
Galaxy Gems
Gay Isber Designs
EH 1603
Gay Isber Designs
EH 1603
Gem & Gold Creations
Gem & Gold Creations
GRDEx 1400
Gem & Gold Creations
GRDEx 1400
Gem & Gold Creations
GRDEx 1400
Gem & Gold Creations
GRDEx 1400
Gem & Gold Creations
EH 1400
Gem & Gold Creations
EH 1400
Gem & Gold Creations
EH 1400
Gem & Gold Creations
EH 1400
Gem Art Center / Helen Serras-Herman
Gem Art Center / Helen Serras-Herman
GRDEx 1601
Gem Art Center / Helen Serras-Herman
GRDEx 1601
Gem Art Center / Helen Serras-Herman
GRDEx 1601
Gem Art Center / Helen Serras-Herman
GRDEx 1601
Gem Art Center / Helen Serras-Herman
EH 1601
Gem Art Center / Helen Serras-Herman
EH 1601
Gem Art Center / Helen Serras-Herman
EH 1601
Gem Art Center / Helen Serras-Herman
EH 1601
Gem Avenue Rock Shop
EH 0518-522
Gem Avenue Rock Shop
EH 1616-1618
Gem Avenue Rock Shop
EH 518-522
Gem Center USA, Inc.
Gem Center USA, Inc.
MRDEx 1727-29
Gem Center USA, Inc.
MRDEx 1727-29
Gem Center USA, Inc.
MRDEx 1727-29
Gem Center USA, Inc.
MRDEx 1727-29
Gem Center USA, Inc.
EH 1420-1422
Gem Center USA, Inc.
EH 1420-1422
Gem Center USA, Inc.
EH 1420-1422
Gem Center USA, Inc.
EH 1420-1422
Gem Cutters, The (GCP Technology System)
Gem Kids by GIA
GL 135G-137G
Gem Kids by GIA
GL 0139G-0132G
Gem Nest
Gem-A Gemmological Association of Great Britain
Gem-A Gemmological Association of Great Britain
MRDEx 320-22
Gem-A Gemmological Association of Great Britain
MRDEx 320-22
Gemas N.O., Inc.
BR 60
Gemmary, The, Inc.
Gemological Institute of America / GIA Show Service
Gems & Jewels Silver Co., LLC
BR 16
Gems of Elegance
Gemstone Connection
GEOdyssey, LLC
MRDEx 223
GEOdyssey, LLC
MRDEx 223
GEOdyssey, LLC
MRDEx 223
EH 0420-422
Geonic Mineral Collection
Geotrope Minerals
MRDEx 1621-23
Geotrope Minerals
EH 1620-22
Geotrope Minerals
MRDEx 1621-23
Geotrope Minerals
MRDEx 1621-23
Geotrope Minerals
EH 1621-23
Gerard Pope
Gerard Pope
EH 300
GIA Instruments
GIA Instruments
GL 130G
GIA Instruments
GL 0128G
GIA Instruments
GIA Instruments
GL 128G
GIA Instruments
GL 128G
GIA Instruments
GIA Instruments
Gitano Gems
BR 69-70
Glitters Import LLC
Glitters Import LLC
GRDA 2006-8
Glitters Import LLC
GRDA 2006-8
Glitters Import LLC
GBGR 20-29
Glitters Import LLC
GBGR 20-29
Glitters Import LLC
BR 20-29
Glitters Import LLC
BR 3-14
Glitters Import LLC
BR 3-14
Glitters Import LLC
BR 03-14
Gobin - Fine Gems & Minerals
Gold Nugget Exports Australia
EH 1126-1128
Gold Nugget Exports Australia
EH 1627
Golden State Gems & Minerals
Golden State Gems & Minerals
MRDEx 120-22
Golden State Gems & Minerals
MRDEx 120-22
Golden State Gems & Minerals
MRDEx 120-22
Golden State Gems & Minerals
MRDEx 120-22
Golden State Gems & Minerals
EH 1427-1429
Golden State Gems & Minerals
EH 1327-1329
Golden State Gems & Minerals
EH 1327-1329
Golden State Gems & Minerals
EH 1327-1329
Golden Touch Jewelers
GRDEx 312
Golden Touch Jewelers
GRDEx 312
Golden Touch Jewelers
GRDEx 302
Golden Touch Jewelers
GRDEx 302
Golden Touch Jewelers
EH 302
Golden Touch Jewelers
EH 302
Goldfingers Jewelry
Goldfingers Jewelry
GRDA 1814-16
GRDA 2016-18
GRDA 2016-18
GBGR 41-42
GBGR 41-42
BR 41-42
EH 210-212
Goldsheen Gems
GRDA 2115
Goldstein Creations
GRDEx 1410-12
Goldstein Creations
GRDEx 1410-12
Goldstein Creations
GRDEx 1410-12
Goldstein Creations
GRDEx 1410-12
Goldstein Creations
EH 1511-1513
Goldstein Creations
EH 1509-1513
Goldstein Creations
EH 1509-1513
Goldstein Creations
EH 1509-1513
Good Medicine Shop, The
EH 1708-1712
Good Medicine Shop, The
EH 1708-1712
Graeber & Himes
Graeber & Himes
MRDEx 726-829
Graeber & Himes
MRDEx 726-829
Graeber & Himes
MRDEx 726-829
Graeber & Himes
MRDEx 726-829
Graeber & Himes
EH 726-728
Graeber & Himes
EH 726-728
Great Opals LLC
EH 1500
Great Opals LLC
EH 1500
Green Mountain Minerals, LLC
GTG Gems Corp.
EH 1611-1613
GTG Gems Corp.
EH 1609-1613
Head Lands
Head Lands
GRDEx 1607
Head Lands
GRDEx 1607
Head Lands
GRDEx 1600
Head Lands
GRDEx 1600
Head Lands
EH 1401
Head Lands
EH 1401
Head Lands
EH 1401
Head Lands
EH 1401
Headframe MInerals
EH 0229
Hearts of Angels
Heirloom Enterprises Co.
Heirloom Enterprises Co.
GRDEx 1310-12
Heirloom Enterprises Co.
EH 1206
Heirloom Enterprises Co.
GRDEx 1205
Heirloom Enterprises Co.
GRDEx 1205
Heirloom Enterprises Co.
EH 1204
Heirloom Enterprises Co.
GRDEx 1205
Heritage Auctions
Hidden Gem Gallery
EH 506-508
Hidden Gem Gallery
EH 0416-0418
Hidden Gem Gallery
EH 0416-0418
High Desert Gems & Minerals
High Desert Gems & Minerals
MRDEx 126-28
High Desert Gems & Minerals
EH 317-319
High Desert Gems & Minerals
EH 0317-319
High Desert Gems & Minerals
EH 0317-0319
High Desert Gems & Minerals
MRDEx 126-28
High Desert Gems & Minerals
MRDEx 416-18
High Desert Gems & Minerals
MRDEx 416-18
High Desert Gems & Minerals
EH 416-18
Hilary: Silver and Gold Jewelry
Himalaya Quartz India
Himalaya Quartz India
MRDEx 423
Himalaya Quartz India
MRDEx 423
Himalaya Quartz India
MRDEx 423
Himalaya Quartz India
MRDEx 423
Himalaya Quartz India
EH 423
Himalaya Quartz India
EH 423
Hopi Gold Silver Gems
Hopi Gold Silver Gems
GRDEx 504
Hopi Gold Silver Gems
GRDEx 504
Hopi Gold Silver Gems
GRDEx 504
Hopi Gold Silver Gems
GRDEx 504
Hopi Gold Silver Gems
EH 508
Hopi Gold Silver Gems
EH 606
Hopi Gold Silver Gems
EH 0606
Hopi Gold Silver Gems
EH 0606
Hopkins Opal
Hopkins Opal
GRDEx 1510-12
Hopkins Opal
GRDEx 1510-12
Hopkins Opal
GBGR 53-54
Hopkins Opal
GBGR 53-54
Hopkins Opal
BR 53
Hopkins Opal
EH 1402
Hopkins Opal
EH 1402
Hopkins Opal
EH 1402
Horst Burkard Minerals
Horst Burkard Minerals
MRDEx 1320-22
Horst Burkard Minerals
MRDEx 1320-22
Horst Burkard Minerals
MRDEx 1521-23
Horst Burkard Minerals
MRDEx 1521-23
Humber, Annabel Jane, Silver
IC Minerals
IC Minerals
MRDEx 1217-19
IC Minerals
MRDEx 1217-19
IC Minerals
MRDEx 1320-22
IC Minerals
MRDEx 1320-22
IC Minerals
EH 616-622
Ikon Mining & Exploration
EH 219-23
Ikon Mining & Exploration
EH 1317-1321
Ikon Mining & Exploration
EH 1317-1321
Ikon Mining & Exploration
EH 1317-1321
IL RE Mineral Carving
IL RE Mineral Carving
MRDEx 219
IL RE Mineral Carving
MRDEx 219
IL RE Mineral Carving
EH 1112
IL RE Mineral Carving
EH 1112
IL RE Mineral Carving
MRDEx 219
IL RE Mineral Carving
MRDEx 219
In A Flash Opal Inlay
Indus Minerals
Indus Minerals
MRDEx 417
Indus Minerals
MRDEx 416
Inner Earth, Inc.
Intergeoresource Ltd.
Interstellar Collection, The
EH 1222
Interstellar Collection, The
EH 1226
Izzy Minerals
EH 1423
J & M Alaska Gold Nugget Jewelry
J & R Jewelry
J. Jansen Designs
BR 47
Jan Crystals & Minerals
EH 1427-1429
Jan Crystals & Minerals
EH 1427-1429
Janice Evert Opals
Janice Evert Opals
GRDA 2002-4
Janice Evert Opals
GRDA 2002-4
Janice Evert Opals
EH 100-102
Janice Evert Opals
EH 0607-609
Janice Evert Opals
EH 0607-0609
Janice Evert Opals
GBGR 7-8
Janice Evert Opals
GBGR 7-8
Janice Evert Opals
BR 7-8
GRDEx 207
GRDEx 307
BR 50
BR 50
Jeff Gems Co., Ltd.
BR 11-12
Jess Imports
Jewel Tunnel International
EH 1616-1619
Jewelry by LK Enterprises
Jewelry by LK Enterprises
GRDA 2109-11
Jewelry by LK Enterprises
GRDA 2111-13
Jewelry by LK Enterprises
GBGR 59-60
Jewelry by LK Enterprises
GBGR 59-60
Jewelry by LK Enterprises
BR 59-60
Jewelry by LK Enterprises
BR 59-60
Jewels of the Earth by Diana
JK Stone USA
Joan's Collection
Joan's Collection
EH 0112
Joan's Collection
EH 0112
John Medici
Jola Designs, Inc.
GRDEx 1207
Jola Designs, Inc.
GRDEx 1207
Joryel Vera Fine Silver Jewelry
Joryel Vera Fine Silver Jewelry
GRDA 2007-9
Joryel Vera Fine Silver Jewelry
GRDEx 309-11
Joryel Vera Fine Silver Jewelry
GBGR 35-46
Joryel Vera Fine Silver Jewelry
GBGR 35-46
JP International Rough Mining & Colored Gemstones
JP International Rough Mining & Colored Gemstones
MRDEx 226-28
JP International Rough Mining & Colored Gemstones
MRDEx 226-28
JP International Rough Mining & Colored Gemstones
MRDEx 226-28
JP International Rough Mining & Colored Gemstones
MRDEx 226-28
JPI Display, Inc.
JQuantum LLC
EH 416-418
JS Noor
JS Noor
GRDEx 400-402
JS Noor
GRDEx 400-402
JS Noor
EH 406-408
JS Noor
EH 0406-408
JS Noor
EH 0211-0213
JS Noor
GRDEx 406-08
JS Noor
GRDEx 406-08
JS Noor
EH 406-8
Jungle Buyer, The
Jungle Buyer, The
EH 1128
Jungle Buyer, The
EH 1128
Juno Design
Juno Design
GRDA 1832-34
Juno Design
BR 81-82
Juno Design
EH 206-208
Juno Design
EH 0206-208
Juno Design
EH 0206-0208
Juno Design
GRDA 1834-836
Juno Design
GBGR 81-82
Juno Design
GBGR 81-82
K & K International
K & K International
GRDEx 511-13
K & K International
GRDEx 511-13
K & K International
GBGR 52-61
K & K International
GBGR 52-61
Kaboucarya Gems Co Ltd
BR 43-44
KARP Mining, LLC
KARP Mining, LLC
MRDEx 1327-29
KARP Mining, LLC
MRDEx 426-529
KARP Mining, LLC
MRDEx 426-529
KARP Mining, LLC
MRDEx 426-529
KARP Mining, LLC
EH 426-529
KARP Mining, LLC
EH 1026-1129
KARP Mining, LLC
EH 1026-1129
Kartchner Caverns State Park
Khyber Mineral Co.
Kilian Collection, The
Kilian Collection, The
MRDEx 1126-28
Kilian Collection, The
EH 723
Kilian Collection, The
EH 723
Kit Carson Design
KKGI / Gem Imports of California
EH 1507-9
KKGI / Gem Imports of California
EH 1411-1413
KKGI / Gem Imports of California
EH 1510-512
KKGI / Gem Imports of California
EH 1510-0512
MRDEx 804-909
MRDEx 804-909
MRDEx 804-909
MRDEx 804-909
Kurt Niece
Lam's Jade Center
Lam's Jade Center
GRDA 2102-4
Lam's Jade Center
BR 25-26
Lam's Jade Center
BR 25-26
Lam's Jade Center
GRDA 2102-4
Lam's Jade Center
GBGR 39-40
Lam's Jade Center
GBGR 39-40
Lane's Fine Jewelry
Larimar by L'ile Au Tresor
GRDA 1928
Larimar by L'ile Au Tresor
GRDA 1922
Larimar by L'ile Au Tresor
EH 401
Larimar by L'ile Au Tresor
GRDEx 401
Larimar by L'ile Au Tresor
GRDEx 401
Larimar by L'ile Au Tresor
EH 401
Larimar Conlight
Ledermann ArteCorp Rocks & Jewels
EH 516
Lehigh Minerals
Lehigh Minerals
MRDEx 326-429
Lehigh Minerals
MRDEx 326-429
Lehigh Minerals
EH 517-521
Lehigh Minerals
MRDEx 326-429
Lehigh Minerals
MRDEx 326-429
Lehigh Minerals
EH 517-521
Lexcel Minerals
Lexcel Minerals
MRDEx 317-19
Lexcel Minerals
MRDEx 317-19
Lexcel Minerals
MRDEx 317-19
Lexcel Minerals
MRDEx 317-19
Lexcel Minerals
EH 317-19
Lexcel Minerals
EH 1521-1523
Lightning Ridge Collection by John Ford
Lightning Ridge Collection by John Ford
GRDA 1933
Liliana International
Liliana International
GRDEx 107-9
Liliana International
GRDEx 107-9
Liliana International
GRDEx 107-9
Liliana International
GRDEx 107-9
Linden Fine Designs
EH 1313
Lindgren Fossils LLC
Lithographie, Ltd.
Lithographie, Ltd.
PEx 1226-29
Lo Rador Gem House
Lo Rador Gem House
GRDEx 1104-06
Lo Rador Gem House
GRDEx 1104-06
Lo Rador Gem House
GRDEx 1104-06
Lo Rador Gem House
EH 1104-06
Lo Rador Gem House
EH 1104-1106
Lo Rador Gem House
GRDEx 1104-06
Lo Rador Gem House
EH 1104-06
Lo Rador Gem House
EH 1104-06
Lone Mountain Burlwood Designs
BR 65
Lone Mountain Burlwood Designs
BR 78-79
Lone Mountain Burlwood Designs
BR 88
Lone Mountain Burlwood Designs
EH 1726
Loomis Minerals
Loomis Minerals
MRDEx 523
Loomis Minerals
MRDEx 521-23
Loomis Minerals
MRDEx 521-23
Loomis Minerals
MRDEx 521-23
Loomis Minerals
EH 427-429
Loomis Minerals
EH 626-628
Loomis Minerals
EH 0626-628
Lorenzo Pepe
EH 0100
Los Laureles Fire Opals Mexico
Lost World Fossils
GRDA North 100-101
Lost World Fossils
GRDEx 1204-06
Lost World Fossils
GRDEx 1204-06
Lou Guerin Leather/Silver Jewelry
Love Harmony, Inc.
Lowe Associates - Brazil
GRDEx 410-12
Lowe Associates - Brazil
GRDEx 403
Lowe Associates - Brazil
GRDEx 403
Lowe Associates - Brazil
EH 403
Lowe Associates - Brazil
EH 403
Lucine Dirtadian - Ursula Rodgers Jewelry
GRDEx 202
Lucine Dirtadian - Ursula Rodgers Jewelry
GRDEx 202
Lucine Dirtadian - Ursula Rodgers Jewelry
EH 1212
Lucine Dirtadian - Ursula Rodgers Jewelry
EH 1212
Lucine Dirtadian - Ursula Rodgers Jewelry
GRDEx 1208
Lucine Dirtadian - Ursula Rodgers Jewelry
GRDEx 1208
Lucine Dirtadian - Ursula Rodgers Jewelry
EH 1212
Lucine Dirtadian - Ursula Rodgers Jewelry
EH 1212
Lucky Muckers
EH 1517-1519
Lucky Muckers
EH 1226-1228
Lucky Star Jewelry Inc.
Lucky Star Jewelry Inc.
GRDEx 1502
Lucky Star Jewelry Inc.
GRDEx 1502
Lucky Star Jewelry Inc.
GRDEx 1502
Lucky Star Jewelry Inc.
GRDEx 1502
Luis Burillo Minerals
Luis Burillo Minerals
MRDEx 617-19
Luis Burillo Minerals
MRDEx 617-19
Luis Burillo Minerals
MRDEx 617-19
Luis Burillo Minerals
MRDEx 617-19
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory (UofA)
GL 129G
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory (UofA)
GL 0116G
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory (UofA)
GL 129G
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory (UofA)
Luvell, Inc.
BR 37-39
Luvell, Inc.
BR 37-39
Lyle Secatero Jewelry
BR 17
M & R Trading Inc.
M & R Trading Inc.
GRDEx 201-3
M & R Trading Inc.
GRDEx 201-3
M & R Trading Inc.
GRDEx 307-09
M & R Trading Inc.
GRDEx 307-09
M & R Trading Inc.
EH 307-09
M & R Trading Inc.
EH 207-09
M & R Trading Inc.
EH 0207-09
M & R Trading Inc.
EH 0207-0209
Made From Coins
GRDEx 313
Made From Coins
GRDEx 313
Made From Coins
GRDEx 202
Made From Coins
GRDEx 202
Made From Coins
EH 202
Made From Coins
EH 202
Made From Coins
EH 0407
Made From Coins
EH 0407
Magic Stone, The
GRDEx 1409
Magic Stone, The
GRDEx 207
Magic Stone, The
GRDEx 207
Magic Stone, The
GRDEx 207
Magic Stone, The
EH 206-208
Magic Stone, The
EH 211-213
Magic Stones
EH 0622
Magic Stones
EH 1227
Magic Stones
MRDEx 1628
Magic Stones
EH 1328
Magic Stones
EH 616
Magic Stones
MRDEx 1628
Magic Stones
MRDEx 1628
Magic Stones
MRDEx 1628
Magouri Crystal Minerals
EH 526-528
Magouri Crystal Minerals
EH 526-528
Majul & Co
Majul & Co
EH 0307-0309
Majul & Co
BR 79-80
Majul & Co
EH 307-309
Majul & Co
EH 0307-309
Majul & Co
GRDA 1826-28
Majul & Co
GRDA 1828-30
Majul & Co
GBGR 79-80
Majul & Co
GBGR 79-80
Malachite & Gems of Africa
Malachite & Gems of Africa
MRDEx 1616-18
Malachite & Gems of Africa
MRDEx 1616-18
Malachite & Gems of Africa
EH 1616-18
Malachite & Gems of Africa
EH 1521-1523
Malachite & Gems of Africa
EH 1521-1523
Malachite & Gems of Africa
MRDEx 1616-18
Malachite & Gems of Africa
MRDEx 1616-18
Malachite & Gems of Africa
EH 1616-18
Margarita Beads
Mary M. Rafferty
BR 51
Mary M. Rafferty
BR 32
Maya Caroleena Jewelers/Radiance of Hope by Maya Caroleena
McCullough Fossils
McNeil Minerals
EH 1320-22
McNeil Minerals
EH 1417-1419
McNeil Minerals
EH 0617-0619
McNeil Minerals
EH 0617-0619
Meier, Timothy, Design
Mercurious Designs
Merk's Jade
Merk's Jade
MRDEx 1620-22
Merveilles de la Terre
Merveilles de la Terre
MRDEx 621-23
Merveilles de la Terre
EH 621-23
Merveilles de la Terre
EH 1221-1223
Merveilles de la Terre
EH 1221-1223
Merveilles de la Terre
EH 0717-0719
Merveilles de la Terre
MRDEx 621-23
Merveilles de la Terre
MRDEx 621-23
Merveilles de la Terre
MRDEx 621-23
Metropolitan Tucson Convention & Visitors Bureau
Mexican Minerals
EH 1228
Mexican Minerals
EH 1323
MIB / Minerals4You
EH 1121
Michael Nemeth
Michael Nemeth
GRDEx 506
Michele Foster Designs/Libertad
Michigan Rocks & Minerals
GRDA 2122-24
Michigan Rocks & Minerals
GRDA 65-66
Michigan Rocks & Minerals
GRDEx 604-06
Michigan Rocks & Minerals
GRDEx 604-06
Michigan Rocks & Minerals
EH 604-06
Michigan Rocks & Minerals
EH 607-09
Mikala's Designs Inc.
GRDA 1810-12
Mike Woodward Photography
Mike Woodward Photography
GRDA BW100-1
Mike Woodward Photography
GRDA BW100-1
Mike Woodward Photography
GRDEx 1702-04
Mike Woodward Photography
GRDEx 1702-04
Mike Woodward Photography
EH 1702-04
Mike Woodward Photography
EH 1702-04
Millan Marketing
Millan Marketing
GRDA 1903-9
Millan Marketing
GRDA 1903-9
Millan Marketing
GBGR 85-88
Millan Marketing
GBGR 85-88
Millan Marketing
BR 3-14
Millan Marketing
BR 3-14
NPGAG 133G-135G
NPGAG 133G-135G
NPGAG 131G-133G
NPGAG 131G-133G
GL 131G-133G
GL 117G
Miner K / Gemmes
Miner K / Gemmes
MRDEx 1527-29
Miner K / Gemmes
MRDEx 1527-29
Mineral Cabinet, The
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
MRDEx 516-22
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
MRDEx 516-22
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
MRDEx 516-22
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
MRDEx 516-22
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
MRDEx 516-22
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
EH 516-22
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
MRDEx 516-22
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
MRDEx 516-22
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
MRDEx 516-22
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
EH 516-22
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
EH 516-22
Mineral Classics/Kosnar Gem Company
EH 516-22
Mineral Enterprises
Mineral Enterprises
MRDEx 217
Mineral Enterprises
MRDEx 217
Mineral Enterprises
MRDEx 217
Mineral Enterprises
MRDEx 217
Mineral Enterprises
EH 217
Mineral Enterprises
EH 527
Mineral Enterprises
EH 0320-322
Mineral Enterprises
EH 0320-0322
Mineral Exploration Services
Mineral Exploration Services
MRDEx 326-429
Mineral Exploration Services
MRDEx 326-429
Mineral Exploration Services
MRDEx 326-429
Mineral Exploration Services
MRDEx 326-429
Mineral Exploration Services
EH 517-521
Mineral Exploration Services
EH 1322
Mineral Exploration Services
EH 0526
Mineral Exploration Services
EH 0526
Mineral Miner
Mineral Miner
MRDEx 420-22
Mineral Miner
MRDEx 420-22
Mineral Miner
EH 0427-0429
Mineral Miner
EH 420-22
Mineral Miner
EH 320-22
Mineral Miner
EH 0427-429
Mineral Miner
MRDEx 420-22
Mineral Miner
MRDEx 420-22
Mineral Zone
EH 1328
GRDEx 1701-3
GRDEx 1701-3
GRDEx 1701-3
GRDEx 1701-3
EH 1701-3
EH 1701-3
Mineralogical Almanac
Mineralogical Almanac
PEx 1221-23
Mineralogical Almanac
PEx 1221-23
Mineralogical Almanac
Pex 1217-19
Mineralogical Almanac
Pex 1217-19
Mineralogical Almanac
EH 1217-19
Mineralogical Almanac
EH 1217-19
Mineralogical Almanac
EH 1217-19
Mineralogical Association of Canada
Mineralogical Association of Canada
Mineralogical Association of Canada
Mineralogical Association of Canada
GL 132G
Mineralogical Association of Canada
GL 132G
Mineralogical Association of Canada
GL 0133G
Mineralogical Association of Canada
Mineralogical Association of Canada
Mineralogical Association of Canada
GL 130G
Mineralogical Record Magazine
Mineralogical Record Magazine
PEx 1326-1429
Mineralogical Record Magazine
PEx 1326-28
Mineralogical Record Magazine
Pex 1317-23
Mineralogical Record Magazine
Pex 1317-23
Mineralogical Record Magazine
EH 1226-1228
Mineralogical Record Magazine
EH 1226
Mineralogical Society of America
Mineralogical Society of America
Mineralogical Society of America
Mineralogical Society of America
Mineralogical Society of America
Mineralogical Society of America
GL 132G
Mineralogical Society of America
GL 134G
Mineralogical Society of America
GL 134G
Mineralogical Society of America
GL 0131G
Minerals In Context, Inc.
G 0135G
Minerals of Arizona
Minerals of Arizona
MRDEx 723
Minerals of Arizona
MRDEx 723
Minerals of Arizona
MRDEx 723
Minerals of Arizona
MRDEx 723
EH 626-729
EH 626-729
Miner's Gems & Minerals
Miner's Kingdom
EH 1527-1529
Miner's Kingdom
EH 0528
Miner's Kingdom
EH 0528
Miner's Lunchbox
Miner's Lunchbox
MRDEx 1226-29
Miner's Lunchbox
MRDEx 1126-1329
Miner's Lunchbox
EH 1227-1329
Miner's Lunchbox
MRDEx 1227-1329
Miner's Lunchbox
MRDEx 1227-1329
Miner's Lunchbox
EH 1227-1329
Mining History Association
GL 117G
Mod Ant LLC, The
EH 1718-20
Mod Ant LLC, The
EH 1720-22
Mod Ant LLC, The
EH 1714-1716
Mod Ant LLC, The
EH 1714-1716
Modern Antiquarian, The
GRDEx 1407-09
Modern Antiquarian, The
GRDEx 1407-09
Mohawk Valley Mining Company
EH 1522
Molten Gems
EH 1311
Molten Gems
EH 1621-1623
Molten Gems
EH 1320-1322
Molten Gems
EH 1416-1418
Mondrian Collection
GRDA 2023-25
Mountain Gems & Minerals
Mountain Minerals International
Mountain Minerals International
MRDEx 1116-22
Mountain Minerals International
MRDEx 1116-22
Mountain Minerals International
EH 1116-22
Mountain Minerals International
EH 1116-22
Mountain Minerals International
EH 1116-1122
Mountain Minerals International
MRDEx 1116-22
Mountain Minerals International
MRDEx 1116-22
Mountain Minerals International
EH 1116-22
Mountain Sculpture Studios
GRDA 2121-23
Mountain Sculpture Studios
GRDA BW 102-103
Mountain Sculpture Studios
GBGR 65-66
Mountain Sculpture Studios
GBGR 65-66
Mountain Sculpture Studios
BR 66-67
Mountain Sculpture Studios
BR 66-67
Mountain Sculpture Studios
BR 85-86
Mountain Sculpture Studios
EH 1720-1722
Mt. Royal Gems
Munir Sons Jewellers & Gem Stones
BR 1
GRDEx 605
GRDEx 605
GRDEx 605
GRDEx 605
EH 605
EH 407
EH 0401
Museon Art Antique
My Earth Minerals
EH 426
Naanak Minerals
EH 0329
Natural Creations / Nature Craft
Natural Creations / Nature Craft
Natural Creations / Nature Craft
GRDEx 604-6
Natural Creations / Nature Craft
GRDEx 604-705
Natural Creations / Nature Craft
EH 0201
Natural Creations / Nature Craft
EH 507-09
Natural Creations / Nature Craft
GRDEx 507-09
Natural Creations / Nature Craft
GRDEx 507-09
Natural Selection Crystals
MRDEx 116-18
Natural Selection Crystals
EH 420-422
Natural Selection Crystals
EH 0426-0529
Natural Selection Crystals
EH 0527-0529
Natural Selection Crystals
MRDEx 116-18
Natural Selection Crystals
MRDEx 116-18
Natural Selection Crystals
EH 116-22
Neil's Fine Jewelry Designs
EH 1307
Neil's Fine Jewelry Designs
EH 1307
Neil's Fine Jewelry Designs
EH 1307
Nemath International
GRDEx 1602
Nemath International
GRDEx 1602
Nevada Mineral & Book Company
Nevada Mineral & Book Company
PEx 1621-23
Nevada Mineral & Book Company
PEx 1620-22
Nevada Mineral & Book Company
Pex 1620-22
Nevada Mineral & Book Company
Pex 1620-22
Nevada Mineral & Book Company
EH 1721-23
Nevada Mineral & Book Company
EH 1717-19
New Bharat Stones & Minerals
EH 228
New Bharat Stones & Minerals
EH 228
Nharo African Crystals, Skulls, Sculptures & Cultures
EH 0420-0422
Nomadic Minerals
EH 317-19
Nomadic Minerals
EH 220-222
OB Rocks & Minerals
OB Rocks & Minerals
MRDEx 1517-19
OB Rocks & Minerals
MRDEx 1517-19
OB Rocks & Minerals
MRDEx 1517-19
OB Rocks & Minerals
MRDEx 1517-19
OB Rocks & Minerals
EH 1517-19
OB Rocks & Minerals
EH 1517-19
OB Rocks & Minerals
EH 0421-0423
OB Rocks & Minerals
EH 0626-0628
OHCK Natural Hawaiian Jewelry, LLC
OHCK Natural Hawaiian Jewelry, LLC
GRDEx 301-3
OHCK Natural Hawaiian Jewelry, LLC
GRDEx 306-08
OHCK Natural Hawaiian Jewelry, LLC
BR 82-84
OHCK Natural Hawaiian Jewelry, LLC
EH 1611-1613
OHCK Natural Hawaiian Jewelry, LLC
BR 94-96
OHCK Natural Hawaiian Jewelry, LLC
GBGR 70-71
OHCK Natural Hawaiian Jewelry, LLC
BR 35-46
OHCK Natural Hawaiian Jewelry, LLC
GBGR 70-71
Old Pueblo Lapidary Club
Old Pueblo Lapidary Club
NPGAG 122G-124G
Old Pueblo Lapidary Club
NPGAG 120G-122G
Old Pueblo Lapidary Club
NPGAG 120G-122G
Old Pueblo Lapidary Club
NPGAG 120G-122G
Old Pueblo Lapidary Club
GL 120G-122G
Old Pueblo Lapidary Club
GL 122G-124G
Old Pueblo Lapidary Club
GL 131G-133G
Old Pueblo Lapidary Club
GL 0123G-0125G
Olga's Jewelry
Olga's Jewelry
GRDEx 200
Olga's Jewelry
EH 1300
Olga's Jewelry
EH 1300
Olga's Jewelry
EH 1313
Olga's Jewelry
GRDEx 111
Olga's Jewelry
GRDEx 1300
Olga's Jewelry
GRDEx 1300
One Of A Kind Designer Cabochons
One Of A Kind Designer Cabochons
GRDA 1913-15
One Of A Kind Designer Cabochons
GRDA 1913-15
One Of A Kind Designer Cabochons
GBGR 43-44
One Of A Kind Designer Cabochons
GBGR 43-44
One Of A Kind Designer Cabochons
BR 43-44
One Of A Kind Designer Cabochons
BR 27-28
One Of A Kind Designer Cabochons
EH 1310-1312
One Of A Kind Designer Cabochons
EH 1310-1312
Opalescent Daydreams LLC
EH 1221-1223
Orchid Pearl, Inc.
BR 47
Orchid Pearl, Inc.
BR 01
Origami Owl
Originals by Carol Sues / Sues, Carol, International Excellence
Ozzie Boulder Opals
EH 0302
Ozzie Boulder Opals
EH 0302
Pachamama Minerals
MRDEx 1627-29
Pachamama Minerals
MRDEx 1526-1629
Pachamama Minerals
MRDEx 1526-1629
Pachamama Minerals
MRDEx 1526-1629
Pachamama Minerals
EH 1526-1629
Pachamama Minerals
EH 1326-1429
Paco Mila Inc.
EH 106-110
Paco Mila Inc.
EH 0106-110
Paco Mila Inc.
EH 106-112
PAK Designs Inc.
Pala International, Inc.
Pala International, Inc.
MRDEx 926-1029
Palm of Hope Jewelry Designs
Palm of Hope Jewelry Designs
GRDA 1811
Palm of Hope Jewelry Designs
GRDEx 301
Palm of Hope Jewelry Designs
GRDEx 301
Palm of Hope Jewelry Designs
GRDEx 301
Palm of Hope Jewelry Designs
EH 301
Palm of Hope Jewelry Designs
EH 301
Palm of Hope Jewelry Designs
EH 0301
Palm of Hope Jewelry Designs
EH 0301
Pameer Gem & Jewelry
BR 33
Pameer Gem & Jewelry
BR 15
Pamela's Jewelry
Pamela's Jewelry
GRDEx 1507-13
Pamela's Jewelry
BR 37-39
Pamela's Jewelry
EH 709-713
Pamela's Jewelry
BR 90-92
Pamela's Jewelry
GRDEx 1507-13
Pamela's Jewelry
GBGR 89-91
Pamela's Jewelry
GBGR 89-91
Panizza Minerals LLC
BR 40
Panizza Minerals LLC
BR 40
Panizza Minerals LLC
EH 1713
Patagonia Minerals
Patagonia Minerals
MRDEx 1523
Patagonia Minerals
MRDEx 1523
Patagonia Minerals
MRDEx 1423
Patagonia Minerals
MRDEx 1423
Patagonia Minerals
EH 1423
Patagonia Minerals
EH 1423
Peach State Gem & Mineral Co.
Peak Valley Gems & Minerals
Pendragon Jewelry
Pendragon Jewelry
GRDA 2027-29
Perfect Point Crystal Company LLC
EH 0227
Perfect Point Crystal Company LLC
EH 0227-0229
EH 0220-0222
Petri Gems Inc.
GRDEx 408-10
Petri Gems Inc.
BR 52-61
Petri Gems Inc.
BR 36-45
Petri Gems Inc.
EH 0507-509
Petri Gems Inc.
EH 0507-0509
Pietra Jewelry
Pinnacle 5 Minerals, LLC
MRDEx 1316-18
Pinnacle 5 Minerals, LLC
MRDEx 1316-18
Pinnacle 5 Minerals, LLC
EH 0621-623
Pinnacle 5 Minerals, LLC
EH 0621-0623
Pinnacle 5 Minerals, LLC
MRDEx 1316-18
Pinnacle 5 Minerals, LLC
EH 1316-18
Pinnacle 5 Minerals, LLC
EH 1421-1423
Piritas de Ambasaguas
EH 1222
Pizzazz Unlimited
Polk, Randy, Designs
Polynesia Pearls LLC
GRDA 1823
Porte du Sahara - Morocco
Porte du Sahara - Morocco
MRDEx 1717-19
Porte du Sahara - Morocco
MRDEx 1717-19
Porte du Sahara - Morocco
EH 1717-19
Porte du Sahara - Morocco
MRDEx 1717-19
Porte du Sahara - Morocco
MRDEx 1717-19
Porte du Sahara - Morocco
EH 1717-19
Prairie Jewel & Gemstone
BR 25-26
Prairie Jewel & Gemstone
EH 0102
Prairie Jewel & Gemstone
EH 0102
Prospector Minerals
EH 0616-0618
PRS Jewelry
Purple Rush Amethyst
EH 1423
PZ Originals
R & D XTALS Inc.
R & D XTALS Inc.
GRDA 127
R & D XTALS Inc.
GRDA 127
R & D XTALS Inc.
EH 226
R & D XTALS Inc.
EH 226
Randy Polk Designs
GRDEx 412
Randy Polk Designs
GRDEx 410-12
Randy Polk Designs
Randy Polk Designs
Randy Polk Designs
BR 49
Randy Polk Designs
EH 403
Randy Polk Designs
EH 0403
Randy Polk Designs
EH 0403
Ray's House of Gems
EH 1502
Red Earth Opal
GRDA 1821
Red Earth Opal
GRDA 1821
Red Earth Opal
Red Earth Opal
Red Earth Opal
BR 31
Red Earth Opal
BR 2
Red Earth Opal
BR 02
Red Earth Opal
BR 02
Red Gallery
Reed's Rocks & Fine Minerals
EH 0520-0522
Revelations in Stone
Revelations in Stone
GRDA 1917-19
Revelations in Stone
GRDA 1917-19
Revelations in Stone
GBGR 27-28
Revelations in Stone
GBGR 27-28
Richard's Rock Ranch
Richard's Rock Ranch
EH 1529
Richard's Rock Ranch
EH 1117-1119
Ridge Line Rings, LLC
BR 44
Ridge Line Rings, LLC
BR 12
RK Int'l Dist Inc
Robbins Jewelry
Robert Shapiro
GRDA 1833
Rock Biz
EH 0228
Rock Biz
EH 0328
Rock N Spheres
GRDA 2033-2035
Rock N Spheres
GRDA 2033-2035
Rock N Spheres
GBGR 37-38
Rock N Spheres
GBGR 37-38
Rock N Spheres
BR 54-56
Rock N Spheres
EH 608-612
Rock N Spheres
EH 0608-612
Rock N Spheres
EH 0608-0612
Rock Solid Jade
MRDEx 1420-22
MRDEx 1420-22
MRDEx 1420-22
EH 1520-1522
MRDEx 1420-22
EH 1416-18
EH 1416-18
EH 1416-18
Rocks & Minerals Magazine
Rocks & Minerals Magazine
PEx 1221-23
Rocks & Minerals Magazine
EH 1217-19
Rocks & Minerals Magazine
EH 1217-1219
Rocks & Minerals Magazine
Pex 1217-19
Rocks & Minerals Magazine
EH 1217-19
Rocks & Minerals Magazine
EH 1217-19
Rocks & Minerals Magazine
PEx 1221-23
Rocks & Minerals Magazine
Pex 1217-19
Rocks of Ages
Rocks of Ages
MRDEx 316-18
Rocks of Ages
EH 0316-0318
Rocks of Ages
EH 316-18
Rocks of Ages
EH 316-18
Rocks of Ages
EH 0316-18
Rocks of Ages
MRDEx 316-18
Rocks of Ages
MRDEx 316-18
Rocks of Ages
MRDEx 316-18
Rocksaholics LLC
Rocksaholics LLC
MRDEx 517-19
Rocksaholics LLC
MRDEx 517-19
Rocksaholics LLC
MRDEx 517-19
Rocksaholics LLC
MRDEx 517-19
Rocksaholics LLC
EH 1416-18
Rocksaholics LLC
EH 1416-18
Rockstoc LLC
EH 0711-0713
Rogers Gems
Royal Art Faceting
Royal Art Faceting
GRDA 2132-34
S & J Fine Jewelry
S & J Fine Jewelry
GRDA 1803-05
S & J Fine Jewelry
GRDA 1902-04
S & J Fine Jewelry
GBGR 09-10
S & J Fine Jewelry
GBGR 09-10
S & S Gems
BR 65-67
S & S Gold & Diamond Exchange
S & S Gold & Diamond Exchange
GRDA 1820-24
S & S Gold & Diamond Exchange
GRDA 1822-26
S & S Gold & Diamond Exchange
BR 71-73
S & S Gold & Diamond Exchange
BR 0119-0123
S & S Gold & Diamond Exchange
BR 1408-1412
S & S Gold & Diamond Exchange
GBGR 72-74
S & S Gold & Diamond Exchange
GBGR 72-74
S & S Gold & Diamond Exchange
BR 72-74
S Georgios, Inc
GRDA 2032-34
S Georgios, Inc
GBGR 23-24
S Georgios, Inc
GBGR 23-24
S Georgios, Inc
BR 85-88
S Georgios, Inc
BR 4-29
S Georgios, Inc
BR 4-29
S Georgios, Inc
BR 04-29
Saga Minerals, Inc.
Saga Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 320-322
Saga Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 320-322
Saga Minerals, Inc.
EH 320-322
Saga Minerals, Inc.
EH 320-322
Sai Brazil
Sai Brazil
Sai Brazil
BR 2
Sai Brazil
EH 1302
Sai Brazil
EH 1206
Sai Brazil
EH 1206
Samora Minerals / Hidden Gem Gallery
Samora Minerals / Hidden Gem Gallery
GRDA 2017-19
Samora Minerals / Hidden Gem Gallery
GRDA 2013-15
Samora Minerals / Hidden Gem Gallery
GRDEx 506-08
Samora Minerals / Hidden Gem Gallery
GRDEx 506-08
Samora Minerals / Hidden Gem Gallery
EH 506-08
Samora Minerals / Hidden Gem Gallery
EH 506-08
Sandy Schor & Co
Sandy Schor & Co
GRDA North 106-8
Sandy Schor & Co
GRDA North 106-08
Sarah Elliott Jewelry
BR 64
Scarlet Fire Beads
Scott Baron & Assoc.
Scott Baron & Assoc.
GRDEx 1300-02
Scott Baron & Assoc.
GRDEx 1300-02
Scott Baron & Assoc.
GBGR 04-13
Scott Baron & Assoc.
GBGR 04-13
Scott Baron & Assoc.
BR 4-13
Scott Baron & Assoc.
BR 7-8
Scott Baron & Assoc.
BR 07-08
Scott Baron & Assoc.
BR 07-08
Sean Hill Designs
GRDA 1922
Sean Hill Designs
BR 32
Sean Hill Designs
BR 32
Sean Hill Designs
EH 1406
Sean Hill Designs
EH 1406
Shambary International S.R. L.
Sheahan Stephen Sapphires
BR 17
Sheahan Stephen Sapphires
EH 0202
Sheahan Stephen Sapphires
EH 0202
BR 63
Showcase Displays
Shows Studios
Shows Studios
GRDEx 1207
Shows Studios
GRDEx 1407
Shows Studios
EH 1403
Shows Studios
GRDEx 1403
Shows Studios
GRDEx 1403
Shows Studios
EH 1403
SJ Gemstones
SJ Pearl, Inc.
GRDEx 300-2
SJ Pearl, Inc.
GRDEx 300-02
SJ Pearl, Inc.
GRDEx 306-08
SJ Pearl, Inc.
GRDEx 306-08
SKS Enterprises, Inc.
SKS Enterprises, Inc.
GRDA 1817
SOLO Bozena
GRDEx 402
SOLO Bozena
GRDEx 402
SOLO Bozena
EH 402
SOLO Bozena
EH 400
SOLO Bozena
EH 0402
Something New - Meansville, GA
GRDA 2101-03
Something New - Meansville, GA
GRDEx 407
Something New - Meansville, GA
EH 1302
Something New - Meansville, GA
EH 1402, BR 23-24
Something New - Meansville, GA
EH 1606-1608
Something New - Meansville, GA
EH 1302
Something New - Meansville, GA
GBGR 75-76
Something New - Meansville, GA
GRDEx 407
Something New - Meansville, GA
GBGR 75-76
Something New - Meansville, GA
GRDEx 407
Something New - Meansville, GA
GRDA 2101-105
Something New - Meansville, GA
GRDEx 407
Something New Jewelry Cleaner
Sonoranite Gems
EH 306-8
Sonoranite Gems
EH 306-8
Spanish Stirrup Rock Shop, LLC
Sparco International
Sparco International
GRDEx 106-112
Sparco International
GRDEx 106-112
Sparco International
GRDEx 106-112
Sparco International
GRDEx 106-112
Spencer Opal Mines
Spirifer Minerals LLC
Spirifer Minerals LLC
MRDEx 426-28
Spirifer Minerals LLC
MRDEx 426-529
Spirifer Minerals LLC
MRDEx 426-529
Spirifer Minerals LLC
MRDEx 426-529
Spirifer Minerals LLC
EH 426-529
Spirifer Minerals LLC
EH 1026-1129
Spirits In The Sky
Spirits In The Sky
GRDEx 607-9
Sri Lanka Gems
EH 1403
Starr Gems
GRDA 2106-8
Starr Gems
GRDEx 410-12
Starr Gems
EH 407
Starr Gems
EH 407
Starr Gems
GRDA 2106-8
Starr Gems
GRDEx 410-12
Steinbach-Gems With A Star
BR 64
Steinbach-Gems With A Star
BR 01
Steinbach-Gems With A Star
BR 64
Steve Wolf & Company
GRDA 1815
Steve Wolf & Company
EH 0501
Steve Wolf & Company
EH 0501
Steve Wolf & Company
EH 501
Steve Wolf & Company
EH 501
Steve Wolf & Company
GRDA 1815
Steve Wolf & Company
GRDEx 501
Steve Wolf & Company
GRDEx 501
Stile Jewellery
Stone Art Studios
Stone Art Studios
GRDEx 1406-08
Stone Art Studios
GRDEx 1406-08
Stone Art Studios
EH 1406-08
Stone Art Studios
EH 1205-1207
Stone Art Studios
EH 1205-1207
Stone Art Studios
EH 1205-1207
Stone By Shelly Birch
BR 32
Stone Throne LLC
EH 0426-0428
MRDEx 810-911
MRDEx 810-911
MRDEx 810-911
MRDEx 810-911
Sue's Creations
Sue's Creations
GRDEx 1506-08
Suncrystal Mining
BR 51
Sunwest Silver Co., Inc.
Superb Minerals India
Superb Minerals India
MRDEx 727-29
Superb Minerals India
MRDEx 727-29
Superb Minerals India
MRDEx 727-29
Superb Minerals India
MRDEx 727-29
Superb Minerals India
EH 1108-10
Superb Minerals India
EH 1108-10
Swedish Blue/Artic Jewelry
BR 27-28
Swedish Blue/Artic Jewelry
BR 80-81
Sycamore Canyon Designs
Sycamore Canyon Designs
GRDA 1836
Sycamore Canyon Designs
GRDA 1838
Sycamore Canyon Designs
Sycamore Canyon Designs
Taiya River Jewelry
Taiya River Jewelry
Taiya River Jewelry
Taiya River Jewelry
GRDEx 1411-13
Taiya River Jewelry
GRDEx 1413
Tanita Corporation
Tarak High Karat Gold
BR 52
Tariq Gemstones
EH 1619
Teak Bay, LLC / Forty Seven Press (
Thomas M. Schneider
Throwin' Stones
Throwin' Stones
MRDEx 1516-18
Throwin' Stones
MRDEx 1516-18
Throwin' Stones
MRDEx 1516-18
Throwin' Stones
MRDEx 1516-18
Tikka Opals
BR 17
Tikka Opals
BR 21-22
TKC-Unique Stone Jewelry
Tom Wolfe Minerals
Tom Wolfe Minerals
GRDA South 100-105
Tom Wolfe Minerals
GRDA South 100-105
Tom Wolfe Minerals
GBGR 93-98
Tom Wolfe Minerals
GBGR 93-98
Toney Mitchell Wearable Art
BR 48
Too Few & Precious
MRDEx 1527-29
Too Few & Precious
EH 1426-1428
Too Few & Precious
MRDEx 1527-29
Too Few & Precious
EH 1527-29
Too Few & Precious
EH 1426-1428
Too Few & Precious
EH 1426-1428
Tookalook, Inc.
EH 1507
Tookalook, Inc.
EH 1507
Top Grade Turquoise Inc.
GRDA 1926
BR 47
Treasures of Darkness
EH 1629
Treasures of Earth
EH 1126-1229
Treasures of Earth
EH 1026-1229
Trinity Diamonds Inc.
Trinity Diamonds Inc.
EH 1410-412
Trinity Diamonds Inc.
BR 47
Trinity Diamonds Inc.
BR 35-46
Trinity Diamonds Inc.
Trinity Diamonds Inc.
Trinity Diamonds Inc.
GRDA 2012-14
Trinity Diamonds Inc.
GRDA 1916
Tronic Rocks
BR 53-56
TRS Jewelers
TRS Jewelers
GRDEx 1609
TRS Jewelers
GRDEx 1609
TRS Jewelers
GRDEx 1302
TRS Jewelers
GRDEx 1302
TRS Jewelers
EH 1302
TRS Jewelers
EH 1302
True Blue Opals & Gems
BR 35-45
True Blue Opals & Gems
BR 36-45
UH Jewelry
BR 27-28
Ultra Tec Mfg., Inc.
Ultra Tec Mfg., Inc.
GRDA 2116-18
Ultra Tec Mfg., Inc.
GRDA 2116-18
Ultra Tec Mfg., Inc.
GBGR 57-58
Ultra Tec Mfg., Inc.
GBGR 57-58
Ultra Tec Mfg., Inc.
BR 57-58, 198-202
Ultra Tec Mfg., Inc.
BR 57-58
Ultra Tec Mfg., Inc.
BR 41-43
Ultra Tec Mfg., Inc.
BR 75-77
Unique Design Jewelry, Inc.
Unique Design Jewelry, Inc.
GRDA 1800-02
Unique Design Jewelry, Inc.
GRDA 1806-08
Unique Design Jewelry, Inc.
GBGR 83-84
Unique Design Jewelry, Inc.
GBGR 83-84
Unique Design Jewelry, Inc.
BR 83-84
Unique Design Jewelry, Inc.
BR 82-83
Unique Design Jewelry, Inc.
BR 82-83
Unique Design Jewelry, Inc.
BR 72-73
Unique Jewelry & Gems, Inc.
Unique Minerals
Unique Minerals
EH 526-629
Unique Minerals
EH 727-729
Unique Minerals
EH 0727-729
Unique Minerals
EH 0727-0729
Unique Minerals
MRDEx 526-628
Unique Minerals
MRDEx 526-628
Unique Minerals
MRDEx 526-629
Unique Minerals
MRDEx 526-628
Unique Russian Minerals
Unique Russian Minerals
GRDEx 117
Unique Russian Minerals
GRDEx 117
Unique Russian Minerals
GRDEx 121
Unique Russian Minerals
GRDEx 121
Unique Russian Minerals
EH 102
Unique Russian Minerals
EH 201
EH 306-8
EH 306-8
EH 0306-8
EH 0306-0308
Urals Geological Museum / Fossil Galleryhenko
Uruguay Amethyst Co.
US Geological Survey
US Geological Survey
NPGAG 109G-111G
US Geological Survey
NPGAG 109G-111G
USDA Forest Service
Vance Gems
Vance Gems
GRDEx 1306-08
Vance Gems
GRDEx 1310-12
Vance Gems
EH 1313
Vance Gems
GRDEx 1310-12
Vance Gems
GRDEx 1310-12
Vance Gems
EH 1313
Varshana Dholakia, LLC
EH 1508-12
Varshana Dholakia, LLC
EH 1310-1312
Varshana Dholakia, LLC
BR 35-46
Varshana Dholakia, LLC
BR 25-26
Vernon's Custom Design
Vic's Fine Jewelry & Diamonds
EH 1110-1112
Vic's Fine Jewelry & Diamonds
EH 1108-1112
EH 1319-23
EH 1316-20
Villalba Collection LLC
Visit Tucson®
Visit Tucson®
Visit Tucson®
Visit Tucson®
Visit Tucson®
Visit Tucson®
GL 117G
Visit Tucson®
GL 121G
Visit Tucson®
G 0118G
Vladimir Pluteshko
Vladimir Pluteshko
MRDEx 119
Vladimir Pluteshko
MRDEx 119
Vladimir Pluteshko
MRDEx 123
Vladimir Pluteshko
MRDEx 123
Vladimir Pluteshko
EH 523
Vladimir Pluteshko
EH 617
Vladimir Pluteshko
EH 0516
Voelter Fine Minerals LLC
VP Enterprises
EH 1317
VP Enterprises
EH 1317
Wayne Allan Dawson Studio
EH 1607-09
Wayne Allan Dawson Studio
EH 1607-09
Wayne Allan Dawson Studio
EH 1607-609
Wayne Locke Antique & Estate Jewelry
GRDA 1928
Wayne Locke Antique & Estate Jewelry
Wayne Locke Antique & Estate Jewelry
Wayne Locke Antique & Estate Jewelry
BR 15
Wayne Locke Antique & Estate Jewelry
BR 15
Wayne Locke Antique & Estate Jewelry
BR 15
Wayne Locke Antique & Estate Jewelry
BR 78-79
Webminerals S.A.S.
EH 0521-0523
Webminerals S.A.S.
EH 1319-23
Webminerals S.A.S.
EH 1316-20
Weinrich Minerals, Inc.
Weinrich Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 1026-1129
Weinrich Minerals, Inc.
MRDEx 1026-1129
Well-Arranged Molecules
Well-Arranged Molecules
MRDEx 527-29
Well-Arranged Molecules
MRDEx 1216-1220
Well-Arranged Molecules
EH 616-22
Well-Arranged Molecules
MRDEx 726-829
Well-Arranged Molecules
MRDEx 726-829
Well-Arranged Molecules
EH 616-22
Wendel Minerals
Wendel Minerals
MRDEx 626-28
Wendel Minerals
MRDEx 526-628
Wendel Minerals
MRDEx 526-628
Wendel Minerals
MRDEx 526-628
Wendel Minerals
EH 526-629
Wendel Minerals
EH 717-723
Wendy Lau Designs, LLC
Wendy Lau Designs, LLC
GRDEx 1305
Western Minerals
Western Minerals
MRDEx 717-21
Western Minerals
MRDEx 717-21
Western Minerals
MRDEx 717-21
Western Minerals
EH 717-21
Western Minerals
MRDEx 717-21
Western Minerals
EH 717-21
Wolfe Gems & Jewelry LLC
BR 89-96
Wolfe Gems & Jewelry LLC
BR 89-96
Wolfe Gems & Jewelry LLC
EH 0116-0223
Wolfe Gems & Jewelry LLC
EH 0116-0223
Wolfgang Vaatz
Wonder Rocks & Minerals
EH 0327
Wonder Rocks & Minerals
EH 0327-0329
World of Fine Minerals
MRDEx 223
World of Fine Minerals
MRDEx 1427-29
World of Fine Minerals
MRDEx 1427-29
World of Fine Minerals
MRDEx 1427-29
World of Fine Minerals
EH 617-19
World of Fine Minerals
EH 627-629
World of Fine Minerals
EH 0417-419
World of Fine Minerals
EH 0417-0419
Xinlie Rock Shop
EH 1617
Yellowhair Silverwerkz
BR 48
Yes Hajaa Gems
GRDA 2112-14
Yes Hajaa Gems
GRDA 1816-18
Yes Hajaa Gems
GRDEx 1611-13
Yes Hajaa Gems
GRDEx 1611-13
Yes Hajaa Gems
EH 1611-13
Yes Hajaa Gems
EH 1508-1512
Yes Hajaa Gems
EH 1508-1512
Yes Hajaa Gems
EH 1508-1512
Yowah Opals of Australia
EH 1607
Ziga Mineral
MRDEx 320-22
Ziga Mineral
MRDEx 320-22